Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life. – Thich Nhat Hanh
A wise lady once shared with me about how her caustic boss sneered at her because there were spots on the glasses.
She explained how she recomposed herself and picked up each glass and mindfully cleaned them one by one saying to herself ‘it is just a glass.’
I don’t know why her words hit me so, but it reminded of my work.
There are days when I get so overwhelmed by the sheer load … that my natural instinct is panic.
However, when I look at my work mindfully … it is just mail.
So, when I deliver each piece one by one it becomes quite relaxing and my heart opens to receive the beauty and wonder of my day.
Interesting how that is.
When I release the barriers and go with the flow … life provides many gifts that I would otherwise not encounter.