You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Sharon Salzberg
Today a challenge was set and so I extend it to you.
Practicing loving kindness to ourselves provides a foundation of ‘attitude gratitude.’
Just like the pebble dropped in still water … it produces rings that spread outward touching all in its path … creating new rings that spread to others.
I thought it selfish to give to myself before others … when quite opposite is true.
Love starts within and its light spreads to others. It is truly a selfless selfish act.
So I was challenged and now I challenge you in saying a metta of loving kindness in the morning and throughout the day if so desired and see how it feels.
May I be happy
May I be well
May I be safe
May I be at peace
Savor those words … feel the words … and then when it feels right, extend the loving kindness outward, thinking of those you care for.
I imagine them in my mind’s eye and say …
May you be happy
May you be well
May you be safe
May you be at peace
Savor the words and see how it feels.
A wise teacher taught me that we can not give away what we do not have. If our light is dim … it cannot shine.
So take care of you and let your light shine.